macOS Mavericks officially brought tags to the Mac. Ammonite provides an easy to use interface so you can use them to their full potential.
Visualize Tags
Ammonite visualizes the tags used on your filesystem or in the data stores of supported applications. Tags applied to many documents will appear larger then tags applied to a few documents. This helps you to drill down on the information you are looking for. Quick Look works like in Finder: Select a document and hit the space bar for instant previews.

Tag Hierarchies
Tag hierarchies are a feature of Ammonite which allows you to group tags by categories. This allows you to keep your tags organized and use a tag in different contexts.
An example: You have many ebooks and want to find all books by a given publisher? Tag your books from Manning with "Publisher>Manning" and the ones from O'Reilly with "Publisher>O'Reilly". Ammonite will create a dedicated cloud of publishers on the fly. There is no limit on how deep you nest tags.

Drill down easily
Ammonite is easy to use: Left-click on a tag in the cloud to find documents having this tag applied. Right-click to exclude documents with this tag from the result. Combine as many tags in your search as you need. The result is updated immediately.

Search by date / date range
You are looking for documents created in a certain date range? Ammonite lets you find tagged files created or modified at a given date or date range more quickly than any other solution.

Instant results
Whenever a tag is included or excluded from the search, the matching documents will be displayed. Details about the selected document and an instant preview are shown as well. You can open the document from the result list, reveal in in Finder or DEVONthink, bring up the Info dialog and press Space to enter Quick Look. When working with DEVONthink Databases you can replicate the selected documents into a new DEVONthink folder.

Support for OpenMeta/Mavericks Tags
Before Apple decided to support tagging in macOS Mavericks there was an open standard to remedy this shortcoming: OpenMeta. Ammonite supports both formats, OpenMeta and native macOS tags.
Additional Resources
System requirements
Ammonite supports all macOS versions from Big Sur (11) to Sequoia (15). It requires a 64bit Intel or Apple Silicon Mac. Both architectures are supported natively.
In order to work with DEVONthink databases a licensed copy of DEVONthink 3.8 or newer is required. An installation of Obsidian 1.4 or later is required for Ammonite to work with Obsidian vaults.
Disclaimer: We have no affiliation whatsoever with DEVONtechnologies or Dynalist Inc., the makers of DEVONthink Pro and Obsidian.