Frequently Asked Questions
The tag cloud for macOS. Visualize the tags on your system and easily drill down on the information you are looking for. Supports Finder, DEVONthink and Obsidian.
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Can Ammonite be used without DEVONthink Pro?

As of version 1.5 you can use Ammonite without DEVONthink Pro. In this case it works with OpenMeta/Mavericks tags only.

Can Ammonite be used with DEVONthink Personal?

No, Ammonite requires DEVONthink Pro or DEVONthink Pro Office. These are as of now the only versions which support AppleScript which is required for Ammonite to talk to DEVONthink.

When trying to run Ammonite I get a dialog stating that can't be opened. Why is that?

You have most likely been using a broken decompression utility to unarchive Ammonite. Please use the decompression utility provided with macOS.

In Finder please right-click on the archive and select Open With>Archive from the context menu.

My license key does not work

Please make sure that you have entered all information exactly as provided in the licensing email. Case does matter!

How do I uninstall Ammonite?

This is not exactly a frequently asked question, but It might be of interest to some.

To completely remove Ammonite from your computer drag the application to the Trash. Then remove the caches and preferences using

rm -rf ~/Library/Caches/com.soma-zone.Ammonite
defaults delete com.soma-zone.Ammonite
rm -f ~/Library/Preferences/com.soma-zone.Ammonite.plist
rm -rf ~/Library/WebKit/com.soma-zone.Ammonite
rm -rf ~/Library/HTTPStorages/com.soma-zone.Ammonite
rm -rf ~/Library/Logs/Ammonite